Thursday, May 5, 2011


Dear Mom,
Happy Mothers Day!!! I miss you so much. Your absence has created such a hole in my heart. But I think you would be proud of me. I am still getting up every morning with the kids. I still make their lunches, still give them breakfast. I still take them to school and clean the house (well I clean as best as I can, you know I am terrible at cleaning) I still make dinner and give the children showers and tuck them in at night. But with every one of those daily tasks I am still blind sided by your absence. I long to pick up the phone and call you. You know last night I made my own BBQ sauce from scratch? And it was delicious!!

Oh and if you could only see Lucy. She is such a funny baby. She is loud, sounds sort of like a little piggy. I could just hear your laughter with all her little snorts and groans. I could just imagine your arms stretched out ready to snuggle up the sweetness that embodies Lucy. You would just beam with such pride at all your grandchildren.

The girls miss you so desperately. I try and explain to them what Heaven is and why they don't have you here with them. Last night Kara asked if Jesus could come back why can't you. I don't have any good answers for them as I can't find the answers myself. I just give them hugs and cry with them.

I wonder if you knew what an impact you had on not just ours but everyones lives. So many people miss you. I hope I told you enough how much I loved you. I hope you know that you were really my best friend. I cherish every memory we made together and mourn all the memories that won't be made. I love you mom, Happy Mothers Day.
Love~ Your favorite daughter Paige